Using the West Wind Client Tools with the Shareware Version

The shareware version of the West Wind Client tools ships with a pre-compiled version of the classes in a FoxPro .app file - This .app library contains all the library files and running the the app loads all included libraries into memory at once.

Samples and Load Differences

Note: The shareware version is loaded differently than the full version, so you will need to adjust the examples in this help file to pre-load all libraries.

Loading Libraries

We recommend you use DO to load all libraries up front when your application starts, or if your checking out the samples before you run any of the samples:

*** Loads all libraries
DO wwClient  &&

loHttp = CREATEOBJECT("wwHttp")
lcHtml = loHttp.Get("")

loBridge = CREATEOBJECT("wwDotnetBridge")
? loBridge.GetDotnetVersion()

Alternately you can also load any PRG libraries individually using the following syntax:

set procedure to wwHttp in
loHttp = CREATEOBJECT("wwHttp")
lcHtml = loHttp.HttpGet("")

Once libraries have been loaded you can use the same syntax shown for other examples (usually do wwhttp or do wwdotnetbridge which load all related dependencies) or you can create instances of classes as needed.

Note that most examples show code like this:

DO wwHttp   && Load Libraries

*** Instantiate
loHtml = CREATEOBJECT("wwHttp")

But using the shareware version you'll need to load the library like this:

DO   && Load all Libraries

*** Instantiate
loHtml = CREATEOBJECT("wwHttp")

Note: Loader PRG commands in the examples like DO wwHttp will work once you've run to load all libraries, but will fail if you don't.

To minimize the differences it's recommended that you call DO at the start of your application. Once you register, you can switch that code to load the specific libraries that you need (ie. DO wwHttp). We always recommend pre-loading libraries on application startup regardless of loader mode.

Switching to the Registered Version

If you decide to register your copy of the Client tools, the code to load libraries will be slightly different. You need to explicitly load each library on its own using SET PROCEDURE TO, DO <LibraryName>.prg or using NEWOBJECT() with a class library provided.

Most PRG libraries in Web Connection come with a dependency loader which lets you execute the main PRG file which automatically loads all related dependencies.

For example:


loads the libraries needed for HTTP which includes a dependency on wwUtils and wwApi which are both loaded by the above command. See individual documentation for each class whether this is supported

The registered version of the client tools provides all classes as source code so you can selectively include them in your application.

© West Wind Technologies, 2023 • Updated: 11/30/20
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