Class wwZipArchive
about 1 minute to read

Provides Zip archive functionality for creating and extracting of zip files.

Using this class you can:

  • Add files in batch using paths or wildcards optionally recursively
  • Append files
  • Unzip an archive into a folder
  • Unzip individual files
  • Get a listing of all files and selectively extract files


  • This library uses wwDotnet bridge
  • Dependencies:
    • wwipstuff.dll
    • wwDotnetBridge.dll

Class Members



Appends files to an existing zip file or creates a new zip file if it doesn't exist.

AppendFiles(lcZipFile,lcFiles, lcBaseFolder, llRecurse, llFast)


Get a list of entries for the files contained inside of the zip file as a FoxPro Collection. Use this method to manually check the content of a zip file or selectively extract files.



Retrieves an individual file from a zip archive and saves it to disk.

o.UnzipFile(lcZipFile, lcEntry, lcTargetFile)


Unzips the complete contents of a Zip file into a folder. If the Zip file contains folder structure, the output is created using that structure. If the folder doesn't exist it is created.

o.UnzipFolder(lcZipFile, lcTargetFolder)


Creates a zip file from a list of files.

ZipFiles(lcZipFile,lcFiles,lcBaseFolder, llRecurse,llFast)


DO wwZipArchive && Load library and dependencies loZip = CREATEOBJECT("wwZipArchive") lcZipFile = "d:\temp\" *** Zip up a folder with multiple wildcards IF !loZip.ZipFiles(; lcZipFile,; "*.fpw,*.vc?,*.dll,*.h",; CURDIR(), .T.) ? "Zipping Error: " + loZip.cErrorMsg RETURN ENDIF ? loZip.cErrorMsg *** add another file *** Note: You can add many files using same syntax as ZipFiles() above IF !loZip.AppendFiles(lcZipFile, "wwZipArchive.prg") ? "Error: " + loZip.cErrorMsg RETURN ENDIF *** Unzip all into a folder IF !loZip.UnzipFolder(lcZipFile, "d:\temp\Unzipped1") ? "Unzip Error: " + loZip.cErrorMsg RETURN ENDIF *** Look at all files in the zip loEntries = loZip.GetZipEntries(lcZipFile) IF ISNULL(loEntries) ? "No entries: " + loZip.cErrorMsg RETURN ENDIF ? loEntries.Count *** Iterate through the collection FOR EACH loEntry IN loEntries FoxObject ? loEntry.Name + " " + ; loEntry.Fullname + " " + ; TRANSFORM(loEntry.Length) + " - " + ; TRANSFORM(loEntry.CompressedLength) ENDFOR *** Unzip an individual entry and unzip it - first in this case loZip.UnzipFile(lcZipFile, loEntries[1].FullName, "d:\temp\" + loEntries[1].Name)

© West Wind Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 06/06/24
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