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Links in an external or internal schema. Use #SchemaName for internal schemas and a fully qualified or relative URL for external schemas.
The schemas must be compatible with the CreateDataStructureSchema's structure. The schema is attached to the table level node of the document not to the document root.
At the table level:
<docroot> <customers xmlns="x-schema:/wconnect/dataschema.xml'> <customer> <custno> 2</custno> <company>BGP Productions</company> </customer> </customers> </docroot>
At the object level:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <docroot> <class xmlns="x-schema:#/wconnect/objectschema.xml"> <colors></colors> <cost>0</cost> </class> </xdoc>
Default Value
Default value: empty
If a schema is embedded (nCreateDataStructureSchema=1) in CursorToXML this property is ignored and overriden by # + cSchemaName.
oXML = CREATEOBJECT('wwXML') *** Cursor Example with embedded Schema/custom name SELECT * FROM TT_CUST INTO CURSOR TQuery *** Using an external Schema oXML.nCreateDataStructure = 0 && No schema embedded oXML.cschemaurl = "/wconnect/data.xml" lcXML = oXML.CursorToXML("customers","customer") ShowXML(lcXML)
See also:
Class wwXML (High Level Methods) | wwxml::cSchemaName | wwxml::nCreateDataStructure© West Wind Technologies, 2023 • Updated: 07/28/00
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