Class wwScriptingHttpResponse
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The wwScriptingHTTPResponse class is used to create an HTTP response. When this class is specified in the wwScripting::cScriptResponseClass property this class is used and wwScripting uses this class to add an HTTP header to the script output.
Class Members
Member | Description |
AddCacheHeader |
Adds a maximum Caching HTTP header to the Responseo.AddCacheHeader(lnExpirationSeconds)
AddCookie |
Adds a Cookie to the HTTP headero.AddCookie(tcCookie,tcValue,tcPath,tcExpire)
AddForceReload |
Sets maximum cache expiration headers for the HTTP response.
AppendHeader |
Adds an HTTP Header to the response.o.AppendHeader(lcKey,lcValue)
BasicAuthentication |
wwScriptingHttpResponse :: BasicAuthenticationo.BasicAuthentication(tcRealm, tcErrorText)
Redirect |
wwPageResponse :: Redirect
RenderHttpHeader |
Returns the collective HTTP header including the final CRLF.
Expires |
An expiration header tag in minutes. Typically -1 is used to signifiy that this request should not be cached. |
HttpVersion |
The HTTP Version for the header. Default: 1.1 |
Status |
A status for the HTTP header. |
Assembly: wwscripting.prg