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Allows setting of the Value property from the result of an object instantiation.

Useful when instantiating types that can't be accessed in VFP such as Generic types or Value types. Using this mechanism you can create an instance of the type.

o.ComValue.SetValueFromCreateInstance(string typeName,ComArray parms)


Name of the type to instantiate

This is an instance of the .NET ComArray instance. Note this parameter has to be passed even if you have no parameters - just pass an empty instance.


loBridge = GetwwDotnetBridge() loBridge.LoadAssembly([System.Drawing]) *** This doesn't work because Rectangle is a Value type *** that can't be accessed directly in VFP *oRect = loBridge.CreateInstance([System.Drawing.Rectangle],10,10,20,30) *** Create COM Value structure to hold the Rectangle loRectangle = loBridge.CreateComValue() *** This type has no parameterless constructors *** so we need a ComArray for the arguments *** NOTE: Always create and pass parameter array even for no parms loParms = loBridge.CreateArray("System.Int32") *** Add the parameters loParms.AddItem(10) loParms.AddItem(10) loParms.AddItem(20) loParms.AddItem(30) *** Now create the instance and set on the ComValue object loRectangle.SetValueFromCreateInstance("System.Drawing.Rectangle",loParms) *** The Value is a .NET Value type which can't be accessed in VFP * ? loRectangle.Value.Width && fails *** Use double indirect access instead ? loBridge.GetPropertyEx(loRectangle,"Value.Width")

See also:

Class ComValue

© West Wind Technologies, 2023 • Updated: 09/24/15
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