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A URL on the server that's running the wwHTTPSQLServer component to process client requests.



Only used when nDataMode = 4 (Web Data Source).


CLOSE ALL DO WCONNECT SET CLASSLIB TO WWDEVELOPER ADDIT oDev = CREATEOBJECT("cDeveloper") oDev.nDataMode = 4 oDev.cServerUrl = "http://localhost/wconnect/wc.dll?http~HTTPSQL" * ** To configure call Open() then access the oHTTPSQL object directly * ** wwHTTPSQL is subclassed from wwHTTP oDev.Open() * oDev.oHTTPSQL.cUsername = "rick" * oDev.oHTTPSQL.cPassword = "keepguessingbuddy" oDev.oHTTPSQL.nConnectTimeout = 40 oDev.Query() && Retrieve all records BROWSE * ** Load one object oDev.Load(8) ? oDev.oData.Company ? oDev.oData.Name oDev.oData.Company = "West Wind Technologies" oDev.Save() * ** Create a new entry ? oDev.New() loData = oDev.oData loData.Company = "TEST COMPANY" loData.Name = "Rick Sttrahl" oDev.Save() oDev.Execute("select * from wwDevRegistry where company like 'W%'") BROWSE RETURN

Server Side Code

FUNCTION HTTPSQL() * ** Create Data Object and call Server Side Execute method (wrapper for Process Method) SET PROCEDURE TO wwHTTPSQLServer ADDITIVE loData = CREATE("wwHTTPSQLServer") loData.cAllowedCommands = "select,execute,insert,update" * ** This can be done with Server.oDeveloperSql to persist connections * ** for much faster response times oSQL = CREATEOBJECT("wwSQL") oSQL.cConnectString = "server=(local);driver={SQL Server};database=wwDeveloper;pwd=sa;uid=;" loData.oSQL = oSQL &&Server.owwDevSql loData.cRequestXML = Request.FormXML() loData.S_Execute() * ** Return the result XML response loHeader = CREATEOBJECT("wwHTTPHeader") loHeader.SetProtocol() loHeader.SetContentType("text/xml") loHeader.AddForceReload() loHeader.AddHeader("Content-length",TRANSFORM(LEN(loData.cResponseXML))) Response.Write( loHeader.GetOutput() ) Response.Write( loData.cResponseXML ) ENDFUNC * HTTP :: HTTPSQL

See also:

Class wwBusinessObject

© West Wind Technologies, 2023 • Updated: 02/17/19
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