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Virtual method that can be used to hook up validation logic for your business objects. Validation typically gets called before saving an entity.

You override this method and fill the oValidationErrors property with any errors you find. The method should then return .T. or .F. to determine whether validation errors where found.

This method needs to be called explicitly unless lValidateOnSave is set to .T. This method returns .T. by default if not implemented.


Return Value

.T. or .F.


************************************************************************ * ttCustomer :: Validate **************************************** FUNCTION Validate() DODEFAULT() IF EMPTY(this.oData.Company) this.AddValidationError("Company can't be left empty.","Company") ENDIF IF EMPTY(this.oData.LastName) this.AddValidationError("Lastname must be provided.","LastName") ENDIF IF EMPTY(this.oData.FirstName) this.AddValidationError("Firstname must be provided.","FirstName") ENDIF IF EMPTY(this.oData.CountryId) this.AddValidationError("Country is a required field","CountryId") ENDIF *** Determine whether we need to return an error IF THIS.oValidationErrors.Count > 0 *** Set an error message that summarizes all errors optionally this.SetError( this.oValidationErrors.ToString() ) *** Validation errors exist RETURN .F. ENDIF *** No Error RETURN .T. ENDFUNC * ttCustomer :: Validate

See also:

Class wwBusinessObject

© West Wind Technologies, 2023 • Updated: 11/09/18
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