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An optional private key file to pass instead of or in addition to a password. Path should be fully qualified.

Private Key should be in OpenSSH format

The private key file should be in OpenSSH format that starts with a
prefix. If your file is a PutTyGen key file, you can use PutTyGen to convert it to OpenSSH format.

Most SFTP servers that use Private Key Files expect both a password and keyfile for two-factor authentication, but some servers only require one or the other. Check with your server documentation what's required.



FUNCTION UploadFileWithPrivateKey() loFtp = CREATEOBJECT("wwSftp") loFtp.cFtpServer ="" loFtp.nFtpPort = 23 loFtp.cUsername = "tester" loFtp.cPassword = "password" *** Private Key File and optional Private Key Password loFtp.cPrivateKeyFile = "c:\utl\server-private-key-rsa_OPENSSL.ppk" loFtp.cPrivateKeyFilePassword = "my-super-secure-password" DELETE FILE "SENDFILETEST.ZZZ" IF NOT FILE("SENDFILETEST.ZZZ") lcBlob = "" FOR i = 1 TO 255 lcBlob = lcBlob + CHR(i) ENDFOR lcBigBlob = REPLICATE(lcBlob,256) FOR i = 1 TO 101 STRTOFILE(lcBigBlob,"SENDFILETEST.ZZZ",1) ENDFOR ENDIF lcSourceFile = FULLPATH(".\SENDFILETEST.ZZZ") && "C:\installs\Distribution CD\Demos\wconnect.exe" lcTargetFile = "SendFileTest_Fox_Simple.zzz" loFtp.FtpConnect() lnResult = loFtp.FtpSendFileEx(lcSourceFile,lcTargetFile) loFtp.FtpClose() this.AssertTrue(lnResult == 0,loFtp.cErrorMsg) ENDFUNC * UploadFileWithPrivateKeyFile

See also:

Class wwSFTP (deprecated) | wwSFTP::cPrivateKeyFilePassword

© West Wind Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 08/02/17
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