The wwDotnetCoreBridge
is a subclass of wwDotnetBridge class that shares the same features as the wwDotnetBridge
class, but works against .NET Core Runtimes. After initial loading of the runtime, both libraries have the same feature set. For detailed member documentation please see the wwDotnetBridge class.
loads the 32 bit .NET Core Runtime and provides a class factory and proxy implementation to create instances and access features that COM does not natively expose.
The only difference between wwDotnetBridge
and wwDotnetCoreBridge
is how they are instantiated. wwDotnetCoreBridge
is instantiated like this:
*** Default: Uses highest .NET Core 32 bit Runtime installed
loBridge = CREATEOBJECT("wwDotnetCoreBridge")
*** Or use cached version: One instance that gets cached
loBridge = GetwwDotnetCoreBridge()
or you can specify a specific .NET Core 32 bit Runtime version number or runtime installation path:
*** By version number
loBridge = CREATEOBJECT("wwDotnetCoreBridge","6.0.5") && or partial versions 6, 6.0 etc.
*** By Runtime Folder
*** - allows for private runtime or self-contained application installs
loBridge = CREATEOBJECT("wwDotnetCoreBridge",
"C:\Program Files (x86)\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\5.0.17")
For all features, please refer to the main wwDotnetBridge documentation.
FoxPro uses the 32 bit .NET Core Runtimes
Important: FoxPro is a 32 bit application and so it needs to run the 32 bit version of the .NET Core Runtimes or SDK. The 32 bit versions are separate and non-default installations, and they are installed in:
c:\Program Files (x86)\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\
There are no major differences between wwDotnetBridge
and wwDotnetCoreBridge
so the code you write with either is identical other than the class instantiation.
Here's an example:
do wwDotNetBridge
LOCAL loBridge as wwDotNetBridge
loBridge = GetwwDotnetCoreBridge()
*** Should echo .NET Core version information
? loBridge.GetDotnetVersion()
*** Load a .NET Core Assembly
IF !loBridge.Loadassembly(".\NetCoreFromFoxPro\NetCoreFromFoxPro\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.0\NetCoreFromFoxPro.dll")
? "Unable to load assembly: " + loBridge.cErrorMsg
loNet = loBridge.CreateInstance("NetCoreFromFoxPro.DotnetSamples")
? "*** Calling Hello World:"
? loNet.HelloWorld("rick")
? "*** Returning a Person"
loPerson = loNet.GetPerson()
? loPerson
? loPerson.Name
? loPerson.Company
? loPerson.Entered
? "*** Passing a Person"
loPerson.Company = "East Wind Technologies"
? loNet.SetPerson(loPerson)
*** Create a built-in .NET class and run a method
loHttp = loBridge.CreateInstance("System.Net.WebClient")
*** Get all the local User Certificates
loStore = loBridge.CreateInstance("System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store")
? loBridge.cErrorMsg
*** Grab a static Enum value
leReadOnly = loBridge.GetEnumvalue("System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.OpenFlags.ReadOnly")
*** Use the enum value
loStore.Open(leReadOnly) && 0 - if value is known
*** Returns a .NET Collection of store items
laCertificates = loStore.Certificates
*** Collections don't work over regular COM Interop
*** so use indirect access
lnCount = loBridge.GetProperty(laCertificates,"Count")
*** Loop through Certificates
FOR lnX = 0 TO lnCount -1
*** Access collection item indirectly using extended syntax
*** that supports nested objects and array/collection [] brackets
LOCAL loCertificate as System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2
loCertificate = loBridge.GetProperty(loStore,"Certificates[" + TRANSFORM(lnX) + "]")
IF !ISNULL(loCertificate)
? loCertificate.FriendlyName
? loCertificate.SerialNumber
? loCertificate.GetName()
*? loBridge.GetPropertyEx(loCertificate,"IssuerName.Name")
Class Members
See also:
Class wwDotnetCoreBridge© West Wind Technologies, 2023 • Updated: 01/12/23
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