Table and Index Structure Exporter

This utility is useful for generating various lists and commands related to tables. The utility runs as a plain procedural program which you can run like this:

use wwdemo\tt_cust
DO tools\CRT_DBF

which generates a CREATE TABLE statement for the above table. Output can be generated for the following types:

TABLE - Create Table Command ARRAY - Create Table using VFP's Array Syntax for large tables that exceed command lengths INDEX - Generates INDEX tag commands for recreating indexes BOTH - Generates table and index statements ARRAYBOTH - Generates table and index statements using table array syntax FIELDLIST - creates a comma delimited field list CLASSVARS - creates a comma delimited class property list with type prefix DOCUMENTATION - creates a line break separate list of field names and type info HELPBUILDER - same as above but with Help Builder HTML formatting HTMLEDITFORM - creates an HTML Form with ASP Style template fields. See GenEditRecord.prg for more details.

All output is generated to the _clipboard from which you can paste into whatever program you need to.

In case you can't remember this list there's a front end form for this tool:

To run the form:


This utility is extremely handy for use with your wwBusiness objects for the CreateTable and Reindex methods which can use the maintenance statements and apply them.

© West Wind Technologies, 2023 • Updated: 05/20/16
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