Sending Messages with Html and Text body

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You may want to send messages to recipient in text AND HTML format, so that they can read the content even if the Mail reader is not HTML capable.

LOCAL loSMTP as wwSmtp loSmtp=CREATEOBJECT("wwSmtp") * loSmtp.nMailMode = 2 && wwIPStuff mode (Win32) 0 - .NET wwSmtp loSmtp.cMailServer="" loSmtp.cSenderEmail="" loSmtp.cSenderName="Rick Strahl" loSmtp.cRecipient="," loSmtp.cSubject="wwIPStuff Test Message" *** Set up Messages - first part is the most desirable content type loSmtp.cMessage="<b>This is the HTML message text</b>" loSmtp.cContentType = "text/html" *** Second part is plain text as fallback loSmtp.cAlternateText = "This is the plain message text" loSmtp.cAlternateContentType = "text/plain" llResult = loSmtp.SendMail() IF !llResult Wait window loSmtp.cErrorMsg ENDIF

cContentType determines the content type of the main message, while cContentTypeAlternate applies to the alternate content. It's recommended that you your most desirable content type first because that's what the mail client looks for first - it goes down the list and uses the first it knows how to handle.

Please note that you can't use file attachments in this mode when using nMailMode=2 (wwipstuff.dll).

© West Wind Technologies, 2023 • Updated: 01/13/16
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