less than 1 minute to read

Deletes files given a wildcard path spec (ie. c:\temp\*.tmp) and a timeout or expiration value. This function is useful for quick clean up of temporary files created for Web display.

o.DeleteFiles(lcFileSpec, lnTimeout)


A system file spec including wild cards.

Timeout value - files prior to this timeout will be deleted.


* ** Create Tempoary PDF files for linked display lcCompany = UPPER(Request.Form("Company")) SELECT * ; FROM TT_Cust ; WHERE UPPER(Company) = lcCompany ; ORDER BY Company ; INTO CURSOR TQuery * ** WWC_WWPDF is defined in WCONNECT.H * ** or you can override it here oPDF=CREATE([WWC_WWPDF]) lcFile = SYS(2015) + ".pdf" * ** Print the report to a temporay Web Directory oPDF.PrintReport("custlist.frx",Server.oConfig.owwDemo.cHTMLPagePath + "/temp/"+lcFile) * ** Display link page and redirect THIS.StandardPage("Report Complete",[<a href="/wconnect/temp/] + lcFile + [">] +; [Click here to view the Customer Report</a>],,1,"/wconnect/temp/"+lcFile) * ** Delete files that have 'timed out' (300 secs) DeleteFiles(Server.oConfig.owwDemo.cHTMLPagePath + "temp/*.pdf",300)

See also:

Library wwUtils

© West Wind Technologies, 2023 • Updated: 02/02/22
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