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Connects to an FTP site and allows passing of a user name and password. Any FTPConnect calls should be balanced by a matching call to FTPClose. FTPClose is called automatically when the object goes out of scope.
o.ftpconnect(lcServer, lcUsername, lcPassword)
Return Value
numeric - 0 success anything else: WinInet Error Code
The server to connect to. Example: ftp.west-wind.com or
Note: Do not specify a URL here. This parameter should not include a protocol or port! Do not use ftp://www.west-wind.com/somfile.txt.
Optional - username for authenticated connections to the server
Optional - password for authenticated connections to the server
oFTP = CREATE("wwFTP") oFTP.FTPConnect("ftp.west-wind.com","jdoe","hispassword") oFTP.FTPGetFileEx("pkzip.exe","c:\temp\pkzip.exe") oFTP.FTPClose()
See also:
Class wwFtp (deprecated)© West Wind Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 09/06/11
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