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Flag that can be set to cause the Post Buffer to use a File Stream to hold POST data. This allows the buffer to be larger than 16 megs to send large content to the server.

DO wwHttp loHttp = CREATEOBJECT("wwHttp") *** Allow for greater than 16mb loHttp.lUseLargePostBuffer = .t. loHttp.nHttpPostMode = 2 && multi-part forms loHttp.AddPostKey("title","Some Large Picture") loHttp.AddPostKey("image","c:\temp\VeryLargeImage.tif") loHttp.Send("https://somesite.com/uploadFiles")

Default Value

.T. or .F.


While this allows the Post Buffer and result to grow past 16mb, FoxPro has severe limitations on what you can do with a >16m string. In a nutshell, you can't modify the string in any way, only directly copy or write it out.

More info here in this blog post

See also:

Class wwHTTP

© West Wind Technologies, 2023 • Updated: 06/16/21
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