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Adds a validation error to the oValidationErrors collection. Pass an error string and optional object name.

The object name can optionally be used to provide direct error link in Web Pages of the page framework.



An error message.

Optional - name of a control on a form that this error should be associated with if any. Used by the Page framework optionally to link to the item that has the error.


*** Demonstrates how to use Validation in the Validate *** method of a business object * wwDevRegistry :: Validate LOCAL loDev loDev = THIS.oData this.cErrorMsg = "" this.oValidationerrors.Clear() IF EMPTY(loDev.Company) this.AddValidationerror("A company name is required.","txtCompany") ENDIF IF EMPTY(loDev.Name) this.AddValidationError("A contact name is required.","txtName") ENDIF IF LEN(loDev.Services) < 200 this.AddValidationError("The service description is too short. At least 200 characters are required.","txtServices") ENDIF IF this.oValidationErrors.Count > 0 THIS.SetError(this.oValidationErrors.ToString()) RETURN .F. ENDIF RETURN .T. *** *** And here is a way you might use it in a WebControl Page *** * EditDeveloper_page :: btnSubmit_Click FUNCTION btnSubmit_Click() *** Unbind the data back into the control source for this ID this.UnbindData() IF !this.oDeveloper.Validate() this.AddValidationErrorsToBindingErrors(; this.oDeveloper.oValidationErrors) ENDIF IF THIS.BindingErrors.Count > 0 this.ErrorDisplay.Text = this.BindingErrors.ToHtml() RETURN ENDIF *** If we get here there are no errors IF !this.oDeveloper.Save() this.ErrorDisplay.Text = this.oDeveloper.cErrorMsg RETURN ENDIF this.ErrorDisplay.ShowMessage("Developer Entry Saved") ENDFUNC * editDeveloper_Page :: btnSubmit_Click

See also:

Class wwBusinessObject

© West Wind Technologies, 2023 • Updated: 02/17/19
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