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Low Level Input Method
This method creates an object from DTD declaration created by ObjectToXML. Pass in the <object> XML element (in the example below it would be the element tag for wwxml).
The object XML element.
<objectstructure name="class"> <property1/> <property2/> </objectstructure>
This method requires the IE 5 XML DOM
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE xdoc [ <!ELEMENT xdoc (wwxml)> <!ELEMENT wwxml (cbody,cdocrootname,cdtd,cerrormsg,cobjectclass,cpropertyexclusionlist,cxmlheader,lcreatedatastructure,lrecurseobjects,lusefoxtypes,lxmlheadersent)> <!ELEMENT cbody (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST cbody type CDATA #FIXED "string" > <!ELEMENT cdocrootname (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST cdocrootname type CDATA #FIXED "string" > <!ELEMENT cdtd (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST cdtd type CDATA #FIXED "string" > <!ELEMENT cerrormsg (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST cerrormsg type CDATA #FIXED "string" > <!ELEMENT cobjectclass (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST cobjectclass type CDATA #FIXED "string" > <!ELEMENT cpropertyexclusionlist (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST cpropertyexclusionlist type CDATA #FIXED "string" > <!ELEMENT cxmlheader (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST cxmlheader type CDATA #FIXED "string" > <!ELEMENT lcreatedatastructure (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST lcreatedatastructure type CDATA #FIXED "boolean" > <!ELEMENT lrecurseobjects (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST lrecurseobjects type CDATA #FIXED "boolean" > <!ELEMENT lusefoxtypes (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST lusefoxtypes type CDATA #FIXED "boolean" > <!ELEMENT lxmlheadersent (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST lxmlheadersent type CDATA #FIXED "boolean" > ]> <xdoc> <wwxml> <cbody></cbody> <cdocrootname>xdoc</cdocrootname> <cdtd></cdtd> <cerrormsg></cerrormsg> <cobjectclass>wwLight</cobjectclass> <cpropertyexclusionlist>,classlibrary,baseclass,comment,controlcount,class,name,objects,parent,controls,parentclass,helpcontextid,whatsthishelpid,width,height,top,left,tag,picture,</cpropertyexclusionlist> <cxmlheader><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"?> ]]></cxmlheader> <lcreatedatastructure>.T.</lcreatedatastructure> <lrecurseobjects>.F.</lrecurseobjects> <lusefoxtypes>.F.</lusefoxtypes> <lxmlheadersent>.F.</lxmlheadersent> </wwxml> </xdoc>
See also:
Class wwXML (High Level Methods)© West Wind Technologies, 2023 • Updated: 04/01/99
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