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Saves each of the items in the collection to disk using individual item .Save() calls. Loads the oData member for each operation then performs a .Save() for each if the object is a business object.

o.SaveToCursor(llCollectionHoldsClass, llUseTransaction)

Return Value

.T. or .F.


If .T. the collection contains a full wwBusinessObject class and this method will call the .Save() method for each element to write the object to the database.

If .F. the data is copied from the collection element to the oData member and then the base object's .Save() method is called for each item.

If .T. wraps the entire method operation into a BEGIN TRANSACTION block


This method will update any changed records or add new records, but not handle removed records. This mechanism does not detect any removed records and makes no attempts of fixing those up. It's up to your code to deal with delete operations against the Database explicitly.

This method loops through all Db records and calls .Save() on a business object to write each item to the table.

See also:

Class wwBusinessChildCollection

© West Wind Technologies, 2023 • Updated: 03/01/19
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